Crown Reduction in Kingswood
Fair Oaks Tree Services has been carrying out a lot of work around the lovely Kingswood area of Surrey recently. With lots of large mature trees in the area, we have been very busy with crown reductions, dead wooding and tree inspections. The Project: Crown Reduction on a Robinia Tree We advise all our customers with large trees in their garden to have them checked every 2 to 3 years. Inspecting trees regularly will benefit in keeping homeowners, the trees and the public safe by noticing problems and rectifying them before they get worse.

Large copper beech tree removal in Esher, Surrey.
Here at Fair Oaks Tree Services we do our upmost to never completely fell and remove trees that are healthy and not causing a risk to any person or property. Unfortunately, in this case a property developer had bought the plot of land and decided to knock down the old the old house and build two new houses. The large copper beech stood right in the middle of the two houses and so the property developer had no other choice but to remove the tree. The client asked us to apply to the