Here at Fair Oaks Tree Services we do our upmost to never completely fell and remove trees that are healthy and not causing a risk to any person or property.
Unfortunately, in this case a property developer had bought the plot of land and decided to knock down the old the old house and build two new houses. The large copper beech stood right in the middle of the two houses and so the property developer had no other choice but to remove the tree.

The client asked us to apply to the local council for permission to remove the tree in case there was a preservation order on the tree. Following a meeting onsite of the local tree inspector, we received permission to remove the tree.
The job required two tree trucks, a large 8 inch chipper and a Unimog grab digger in order to dismantle and fell the large tree in a safe manner.
Here at Fair Oaks tree services we do our upmost to never completely fell and remove trees that are healthy and not causing a risk to any people or property.
Unfortunately, in this case a property developer had bought the plot of land and decided to knock down the old the old house and build two new houses. The large copper beech stood right in the middle of the two houses and the property developer had no other choice but to remove the tree.

We arrived on site in Esher at 8am with five fully qualified and NPTC registered tree surgeons ready to tackle the task in hand. We also completed a risk assessment sheet before starting any work to cover our men and the client. One climber was in the tree, three men on the ground and one operating the grab machine.
The tree was dismantled very safely and quickly by our experienced team and the large butt of the tree was ready to be felled before lunchtime.